
Victoria BC Artist

About Marvelous

Marvelous was born in Chilliwack, BC, on January 12, 1941. She has been painting since 2019 and discovered acrylic painting at the beginning of the 2020 isolation, when she was 79 and forced to spend many long hours alone.

Her work premiered December 2019 as part of a Victoria Arts Council group show, with the painting titled, Under the Influence of Sobriety, and sold promptly.

Her work has also been purchased by a number of private collectors. A poem and the painting Spirits Must be Seen and Heard, depicting residential school children, is featured on the community hub.

In her late forties she discovered by accident her own Native heritage while doing a practicum at an all Native treatment Centre in Williams Lake, B.C.

Marvelous feels emotionally invested in painting Metis art – it is at the centre of her identity. Marvelous’ paintings are focused on her ancestral heritage, especially women, and particularly the red dress, signifying the Highway of Tears, a 725 km section of the Trans Canada Highway in northern British Columbia, Canada. She can still feel her mother’s cry to be seen and heard and accepted into society as an equal. She has compassion for the mistreatment of First Nations and Metis women by the churches and government, including the creation and operation of residential schools.

Marvelous’ artistic excitement also lies in finding other artists who discover their creative passion at an older age. Children’s art also inspires her because their talent is inborn – qualities that are part of one’s inner essential nature.



Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – Dimensions: W 31½’’ x H 39’’ x 1”

Embrace Equity. Leveling up, Breaking Down. The seeds of inequity seeded early in life become deeply rooted. The focus of this exhibition is to expose and explore how systems of oppression work against women by invalidating their participation in life.

From motherhood to support of seniors, which I am one, is challenging. White hair, wrinkles and retirement are seen as lacking in this mostly male notion of beauty, productivity, and success.

“Follow your bliss,” is how I rise above this undervaluing way of thinking. Joseph Campbell inspired me with these words. In my own expression I follow my passion, this is the vibration which comes from the true core of my being. When this calling is followed nature will support by synchronistic living.

My creation of this painting is called Integrity which is synonymous with the word equity, relating to the theme Embrace Inequity. As a cheetah animal, the figure in this painting symbolizes power, speed and grace, often seen as a symbol of divine guidance. As a cheetah human, the many masks she wears are depicted in this painting as a response to a challenging, undervalued and painful path. Because of these inequities this cheetah-human must wear a mask to protect herself from the onslaught of criticism and unfair treatment.

But all is well in this story, for this cheetah has the insight to know her innate nature, after all she now has the added wisdom of age to feel sure she can truly call herself Integrity.

Too Many Crosses

Acrylic on canvas, 2019 – W 35½’’ x H 23¾’’ x ¾”

My ancestors are crying to be recognized as equals. Crying to be seen and heard. This is a recognized judgemental pattern no longer allowed within the human heart today.

This painting reveals too many crosses for Native people dying for no reason. Nature, men and bears are all equal, free in the favour of god.

Spirit Knows

Acrylic on canvas, 2023 – W 30″ x H 40″ x 2″

This woman looks wise and sober. A great reminder for me. These two words are one and the same, they resonate. There was no wisdom for me until I made sobriety step one on my spiritual path. As it is today.

Find The Children

Acrylic on canvas, 2019 – W 30″ x H 24″ x 1½”

This painting is the side view of a child in spirit form, crying for the loss of his parents. His mother is holding him in her arms when he was on earth in solid form. Find the Children… these children still want to be seen and heard, so that is why we search. Their love never dies.

Divine Red Dress

Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 36″ x H 30″ x ½”

This painting represents the missing Native women along a 725 km section of the Trans Canada Highway in northern British Columbia, Canada, known as the Highway of Tears.

The incredulous expression on this woman says,”I don’t understand.” The wild animals represent how she was raised, with the love of nature and her community support.

Earthly One

Acrylic on canvas, 2023 – W 30″ x H 40″ x 2″
Sold. Custom made-to-order prints available.

This woman is a free spirit, a part of nature. She is aligned with the healing power of mother bear, her three cubs and the freedom of the wild mustang. No matter which way she looks, the healing creative force of the universe is there for animals and humans.

Mother Earth

Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 17″ x H 24″ x 1″

This painting tells the story of the Native teaching of creation being the foundation of life. The three bird messengers reflect the health of the environment and represent strength, courage and freedom. The white cross stands for the purity and holiness of mother and child.

Spirit Prayers

Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 40″ x H 26″ x 2″
Sold. Custom made-to-order prints available.

The wolf is considered to have supernatural powers and strong family ties, may this be the model of the newborn.

Residential School

Acrylic on canvas, 2020 – W 30″ x H 23¾” x 1½”

I painted this because my ancestors are Native. My mother denied her half-breed ancestry to her death.

This painting represents children leaving the residential school as angels. Some of them didn’t make it out alive. In this year of 2023, it is deemed a great mistake by the government and churches to raise children without their mother and father.

Red Dress

Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 23¾” x H 20″ x 1½”

Red dress is blessed through the love of nature. We never forget our daughters, we only love them more.

Ancient Wisdom

Acrylic on canvas, 2023 – W 30″ x H 40″ x 2″

This woman has good memories, which keep us strong. The energy of the bison spirit trusts that everything you need is that which you already have. All things represent ancestors, the four directions, the majestic power of the eagle, the healing warmth of the sun and our sister who has transitioned.

Metis Mother and Child

Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 36″ x H 23¾” x 1½”

Metis are recognized Indigenous peoples in Canada. My Metis roots go back to a loving, black-haired, nurturing mother.

This painting represents my mother and her relationship to creation, nature and all things Native.


Acrylic on canvas, 2022 – W 30″ x H 24″ x 2″
Sold. Custom made-to-order prints available.

We are more than physical beings. We are also spirit.

Like birds, our spirit can fly here and beyond. Natives believe eagles are the closest creature to the creator.

Animal Whisperer

Acrylic on canvas, 2023 – W 30″ x H 40″ x 2″

The wolf is this woman’s spirit guide. His pawprint is on her fore-head. He represents guardianship, teamwork and loyalty. This painting represents humans and the supportive power of animals. Many cultures traditionally value the wolf as a powerful guiding force.

To purchase original paintings or prints on canvas
please contact Marvelous Trudeau at